Centennial of 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act
Our research during our thirty years in the FDA regulated industry has shown that when people in an organization commit to abide by GMP and other regulatory laws and guidelines, there are fewer problems in that organization. We have found that there is a BIG difference between commitment and compliance.
People will comply because they HAVE to.
People will commit because they WANT to.
We have used the history of the FDA and the evolution of regulations as an effective method in helping people understand the conditions that led to the regulations in the first place. This year marks the centennial of the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act. FDA is planning a series of articles to commemorate this centennial year.
Read the first article in this series here - http://www.gmptrainingsystems.com/asp/resources.asp
Scroll down to FDA Resources and click on Upcoming Centennial of the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act
Use the information from this article to enhance your GMP training and move your people from compliance to commitment.
GMP Training Systems, Inc.
Experience You Can Trust!
David Markovitz, Founder and President of GMP Training Systems, Inc., has developed a unique method of teaching the history of GMP.
Click here to learn how he does it.