GMP Tips - TR Signs Landmark Law 100 Years Ago Today - June 30, 2006
A hundred years ago, on June 30, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt signed the Pure Food and Drugs Act, establishing the nation’s very first regulatory agency. With a stroke of his pen he expanded the reach of the federal government and planted the enduring concept of a nonpolitical, science-based agency, today known as the FDA, dedicated to protecting the public from commercial predation. But the law generated bitter controversy that continues to this day.
Theodore Roosevelt knew firsthand about seriously bad food. During the Spanish-American War in 1898 he asked one of his Rough Riders why he was throwing away his canned meat. The soldier said he didn’t like it. "Eat it and be a man," Roosevelt ordered. The fellow did so, and promptly vomited. Roosevelt examined the slimy, stringy ration and instantly understood why.
Read a fascinating article published in American Heritage Magazine on June 29, 2006
How Theodore Roosevelt Made Your Dinner Safe to Eat
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