Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tips for the Holiday Season - Dec 19, 2006

Many of us will be gathering in homes in the coming days and sharing meals and holiday goodies. With national restaurant chains being in the news recently (Taco Bell and Olive Garden) for their customers getting sick after dining there, you don’t want your guests to suffer the same fate (since, we suspect, many of your guests share the same last name as you).

FDA has recently prepared a place on their web site entitled: FDA Tips to Prevent Foodborne Illness This Holiday Season

Find it at:

Unless there’s some dramatic development in the FDA regulated industries that affect us, this will be our last posting for 2006.

Wishing you a terrific Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year.

GMP Training Systems, Inc.
Thank you to all our customers who either attended one of our public workshops, purchased our products, brought us in-house to conduct training, participated in our audio seminars, or just read this newsletter. We are grateful and appreciate your business.

P.S. Say a special prayer during this season of peace for the world’s leaders, that they find a way to bring sanity back to this planet and move the world back towards Peace on Earth for all mankind.

Please forward this post to others in your organization who might benefit.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Why Drug Prices are High - Dec 13, 2006

Syndicated columnist Jay Ambrose makes a good argument for the risk pharmaceutical manufacturers take in researching new products, and how the cost of existing products pays for that research. He also calls for the reform of the FDA.

You can download his article at:
Click on Timely Resource Articles.

This article can provide you with some interesting dialogue and discussion opportunities regarding the role of the FDA in assuring the purity, safety, and efficacy of our drug products.

GMP Training Systems, Inc.
Serving 1028 clients since 1996

Our Interactive Computer-based GMP Training System is launching on Friday, Dec 15. Preview a sample module at: www.gmptrainingsystems.com/asp/Interactive_training_demo.asp

Please forward this post to others in your organization who might benefit.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

We Have a Commissioner! - December 7, 2006

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! as Gomer Pyle used to say. (For those of you old enough to remember Jim Nabors who played Gomer on the Andy Griffith show and his own show, Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.)

The Senate on Thursday confirmed Andrew von Eschenbach to head the Food and Drug Administration, but only after breaking a filibuster in which he was accused of impeding congressional investigations. The vote was 80-11. Von Eschenbach, a former head of the National Cancer Institute, has been acting head of the FDA since September 2005.

GMP Training Systems, Inc.
Serving 1011 clients since 1996

Our Interactive Computer-based GMP Training System is ready to launch. Preview a sample module at: www.gmptrainingsystems.com/asp/Interactive_training_demo.asp

Please forward this post to others in your organization who might benefit.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Taste of Raspberries, Taste of Death - Dec 6, 2006

In view of Pfizer’s cancellation of its once-promising cholesterol drug Torcetrapib due to serious side effects discovered during clinical trials (increased risk of death and heart-related problems), it brings to mind an incident that occurred in 1937. In October 1937 the Elixir of Sulfanilamide resulted in the deaths of over 100 people, mostly children.

Read the chilling account of this national tragedy which led directly to the passage of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1938.

Go to
Click on Timely Resource Articles

Training Tip
Our research shows that when people understand the WHY behind the regulations, they are more apt to comply with the regulations. Use the attached article to reach the hearts, as well as the minds, of your people.

GMP Training Systems, Inc.
Serving 1009 clients since 1996

Our Interactive Computer-based GMP Training System is ready to launch. Preview a sample module at: www.gmptrainingsystems.com/asp/Interactive_training_demo.asp

Please forward this post to others in your organization who might benefit.