Thursday, August 03, 2006

GMP Tips - FDA Commissioner Confirmation Embroiled in Politics - August 3, 2006

President Bush's nominee to head the Food and Drug Administration, Andrew von Eschenbach, currently FDA Acting Commissioner, doesn't look much closer to confirmation following a Senate hearing held this week.

No senator questioned Andrew von Eschenbach's qualifications to lead the FDA. But several say they won't allow a vote on his nomination until the FDA rules one way or the other on a three-year-old request to sell the morning-after birth control pill without a doctor's prescription.

Von Eschenbach told the drug's manufacturer Monday he's willing to discuss the matter further, but he declined to give the senators a specific timetable for a decision.

That leaves the most likely scenario a recess appointment by President Bush. Senators warned such an act would be considered highly provocative, but they would have little recourse.

Read more in an article published in the Philadelphia Daily News on August 3, 2006.
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