Wednesday, October 18, 2006

GMP Tips - Crawford Pleads Guilty - Oct 18, 2006

Former FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford pleaded guilty on Tuesday to two charges stemming from his ownership of stock in companies the agency regulated.

Crawford, who resigned from the FDA last year, admitted to making false statements on financial disclosure forms and violating conflict-of-interest laws. His sentencing was set for January 22.

Breaking into tears while talking to reporters, Crawford said he valued his years at the FDA and looked forward to returning to work in the private sector.

“I accept full responsibility for errors and omissions that occurred on my financial reports. This was my fault, no one else's," Crawford told reporters after his court appearance. "Nothing I have done, I hope, can be construed to affect the integrity of the Food and Drug Administration," he said.

FDA has had a rough two years, and this news might cause FDA inspectors to play it safe, making for tough inspections in the near future. And this development certainly won't help FDA's case in getting more funding from Congress.

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