GMP Tips - Make GMP Personal Part 2 - Sept 30, 2008
David Markovitz, President of GMP Training Systems, Inc. here with a personal GMP Tip.
One proven method for getting GMP training to STICK is to make it personal. When I conduct GMP training sessions for client companies, I always start with a slide of me and my family. I usually have a little fun with it by pointing out that I am the only KNOWN drug user in my family. I explain that I take a prescription drug to lower my cholesterol, which, thanks to my mother’s side of the family, is genetically on the high side of normal.
I point out that the FDA regulated industries manufacture and distribute products that affect people personally. Everyone in each training session knows someone close to them whose life has either been lengthened, improved, or even saved – thanks to what we do. Reaching people at this emotional level sets people up for paying closer attention during the training session.
My approach to compliance is from the customers’ perspective. We strive to produce quality products because that’s what our customers expect. I also point out that the FDA works for our customers. Our customers rely upon the FDA to ensure that we operate in accordance to the Good Manufacturing Practice.
So we follow GMP because we want to have satisfied and happy customers. That’s a far better way to explain it than “We follow GMP because FDA says so!”
Our customers – citizens and taxpayers – have given FDA authority through Congress to enforce GMP and other regulations. But never forget that the ultimate judge of the success of our company is in the hands of our customers.
Make your GMP training personal to increase your effectiveness.
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